Get Rid of Gum! …at least on your sidewalks.

When you start looking for gum, you see it everywhere. Unfortunately, it ends up littering many of our promenades. Once underfoot, gum is difficult to remove. It cements itself to concrete and asphalt, dotting what was once a clean thoroughfare.

A store’s cleanliness and aesthetics showcase its merchandise, especially its window displays. Customers are drawn to clever merchandise arrangements. How many of them miss a stunning seasonal display because they are side-stepping land mines of goo or trash? What a missed opportunity if your customers don’t see an impressive display because they are preoccupied with their feet!

Put your customer at ease by making your storefront inviting and carefree. Remove trash, gum and hindrances like stray shopping carts as soon as possible. Let your customers enjoy your premises and merchandise instead of worrying about what’s stuck on the bottom of their shoes!

 Removing gum can be toxic and tedious when using home remedies. A technician is able to quickly remove gum at the convenience of your establishment’s hours

Consider using Bethany Associates for your gum removal needs. With over 25 years of experience serving the Tristate area, we’re ready to tackle your toughest projects. 

Whether need clean windows, siding, sidewalks or more, we can make your business clean and attractive. We are happy to tailor our services to fit your store’s particular schedule. Call us today at 888-601-4257 and we will be happy to serve you!

powerwashing sidewalk to remove gum